Whether you know it or not, your promotion strategies will decide the quality and quantity of the traffic you get. But the key here is to not to waste your time on promoting your blog posts in wrong ways. Avoid the time wasters that don’t give you any traffic to your blog posts, focus on promoting to your posts on hot spots where you can pull massive readers. Let’s get into the details on how to promote your latest blog posts.

How to Promote New Blog Posts Like A PRO:

A Quick Checklist Before Promoting Blog Posts

There’s no point in promoting a BAD blog post. Because it gets no results no matter how hard you promote it. That’s the reason why we’ve created a simple quick checklist you can use before promoting blog posts in 2023 and beyond.

18 SOLID Ways to Promote New Blog Posts In 2023

1. Publish on Quora

Quora is a question and answer site and community where millions of active users share their thoughts. Quora is just like Yahoo Answers but with actual good advice that you can actually tune into. The best part about using Quora is you can make it into a website traffic generation machine. Here are few big advantages of using Quora: Here’s how the Quora feed looks like;

Here are few Quora promotion tips to get massive traffic from Quora to your websites in 2023 and beyond.

Follow influencers in your niche on Quora. If you’re into SEO or marketing, you can follow people like Neil Patel, Rand Fish and so on to find out how they are using Quora and what type of questions are they answering and how frequently they’re using Quora so you get an idea about how to use Quora for blog promotion. Don’t do self-promotion or spam Quora. Use Quora only to write great answers that are helpful for those who’re seeking the best answers. But at the end of your blog posts, you can try including a link to your relevant blog posts (to get some additional traffic). When you’re new to Quora, focus only on writing quality answers. Once you start getting more upvotes and followers, you can start picking your blog topics to link back to your contents.

Read: Semrush 30 Days Free Trial: Try Pro or Guru Account for Free Now

2. Blogger outreach

There are a lot of people who often ask “is blogger outreach really worth it?” The answer is YES and no. Yes, when you do it the RIGHT way and no if you’re just spamming other bloggers email inboxes. Always follow “give, give, give and ask” policy when doing blogger outreach to get effective results in the long run. Use blogger outreach to build relationships, not links. That’s when you’ll succeed. Here are few quick blogger outreach tips:

3. Turn your blog posts into videos

Whether you know it or not, video content gets up to 10x more reach and engagement compared to links and images. Gary Vaynerchuk summed up the importance of video nicely: Here are two tools that help you turn your blog posts into videos with ease.

Lumen5 Rocketium

Once you’re done with the videos, you can upload them into multiple channels like;

Youtube Wistia Vimeo

Read: A Powerful Blog Setup Checklist for Starting A Successful Blog from Scratch

4. Don’t forget SEO

If you’re looking for proven ways to promote a blog post, make sure NOT to forget SEO because search engines send you long lasting traffic to your sites. If you’re wondering about the importance of SEO and few benefits that you get with SEO promotion, here are few of them.

SEO is a HUGE investment into your future SEO generates a higher ROI Increased search traffic Improved online visibility Credibility and increases trust Branding Higher quality traffic (visitors who come from search are tend to buy more when compared to other traffic sources like social media)

So how can you use SEO to promote your blog posts and websites? Here are 3 most important things you should implement. Keyword research is extremely important Keywords matter a lot in bringing more visitors from search engines like Google and also play a vital role in increasing your overall website sales. If you’re not doing keyword research before publishing blog posts, you’re doing a huge mistake. Here’s how the example of keyword research looks like;

That said, here are few quick tips you can use for doing keyword research in 2023 and beyond.

Pick long tail keywords (typically with 4 to 6 word phrases, for ex: “best laptops for fitness bloggers” to rank easily even if you’ve a new site) Pick low volume keywords (with below 1000 monthly searches) Use proper tools for keyword research (we recommend you to give a try to Semrush, Ahrefs and KWFinder. For free tools, you might want to try Ubersuggest and Keywordtool.io)

Proper on page optimization is needed On page optimization helps you increase your search rankings of your contents. You must need a primary keyword and few secondary keywords in order to do proper on page optimization of your blog posts. Here are few places where you must insert your primary keywords to get better rankings from search engines like Google.

Headline Body text (preferably in the first 100 words to get better rankings) Subheadings (such as h2, h3) URL slug Meta description Title tag Image alt tag descriptions Sprinkle your primary and secondary keywords here and there throughout your text

If you’re using WordPress, you must install Rank Math SEO (or anything similar such as All in One SEO plugin) as they help you easily optimize your contents for target keywords. Backlinks are as important as breathing Whether you know it or not, backlinks matter a lot when it comes to increasing your overall search traffic to your sites. Moz’s study examined the top 50 Google search results for approximately 15,000 keywords. This allowed Moz team to examine not only what factors correlate with higher search rankings, but also how frequently those characteristics are seen, so the backlinks are really important to get faster rankings and promoting new contents for better results. That being said, here are few smart ways to improve your website’s backlink profile.

Use Buzzsumo to analyze what kind of topics your competitor websites cover (simply type in a blog’s name and then download a generated list of topics). Use tools like Semrush to quickly come up with link magnets (posts that attract a ton of backlinks in your niche). You can also analyse your competitor sites to see which of their blog posts and pages generated more number of backlinks so you can cover the similar topics and create 10x better content Analyze top performing content of your competitor websites and see what topical domain is the most relevant to each site to create a mind map of your future content and get results in the long run in terms of SEO. Use an online mind map maker tool to make this process simple. Make sure to use tactics like influencer outreach, guest posting etc to attract quality links to your site

Read: 10 Powerful New Year Resolutions Every Blogger Should Follow in 2023

5. Embed tweets within your articles

One of the best ways to promote your latest articles is to embed tweetable quotes within your article. You can start using Click to Tweet to easily add tweets within your articles. If you’re wondering about it, here’s how it works.

Write the message that you want others to share in the box Click the “Generate New Link” button to create a custom link Share the link and track the activity of each link over time

So what are you still waiting for? Go give a try to it to start promoting your latest posts to get more exposure online.

6. Run a Facebook group

Whether you know it or not, Facebook is accessed at an average of eight times per day. That means, people are spending a lot of time on Facebook so if you’re looking for the best channels to promote your blog posts, Facebook is the right place. Side note: Join our Facebook group from here to find awesome stuff around blogging and SEO. The group is very active and filled with full of bloggers.

Here are few interesting stats about Facebook that you might want to check out.

According to Pew Research, 83% of women use the network compared to 75% of men 85% of Facebook’s daily active users come from outside the US and Canada. India, Brazil and Indonesia have the largest Facebook audiences after the US More than 60 million businesses have a Facebook Page. Additionally, 39% of users like or follow a Facebook page to receive a special offer With over 8 billion average daily views and 100 million hours of video watched every day, Facebook has become a top player in the social media video market space

Here are few quick tips to run a Facebook group to build a community to promote your blog posts and get more traffic from Facebook to your sites.

Firstly, understand your goals for the Facebook group. What are you trying to achieve with it? Do you want to increase your personal brand or create engagement with others who are in the same industry? Or do you want more traffic from the group? Create something useful on a daily basis. Conduct polls, share others useful links and videos but just make sure you’re creating some kind of engagement every single day. As the group grows, make sure to give “moderator” permissions to the members who are actively participating in the group. Not only, it gives them motivation to spend more time but it also lessens your burden. Sooner or later, you can completely automate the process.

7. Paid promotion using Facebook ads

As we discussed above Facebook is the most popular social media network. If you’re finding it hard to drive more traffic using free promotion methods on Facebook, you should probably give a try to Facebook ads. Did you know that the Average CTR for Facebook Ads Is 0.9%? Wordstream also looked at the average CTR of Facebook Ads by industry. Overall, they found the average CTR to be 0.9%. According to Advertising Age, Facebook accounted for 62% of the social logins in 2015 tracked by Gigya, a company that provides tools for brands and publishers to let people log into their sites and apps using their Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo or other accounts. So you can’t ignore Facebook ads to promote blog posts to make them go viral online.

8. Don’t forget infographics

Content repurpose is one of the most effective but underrated blog promotion techniques. Still creating infographics can work like a charm if you know how to promote them. You should find infographic submission sites to share them and also use sites like Pinterest to submit them to get more pins and visibility. Did you know that, posts that include images receive 650% higher engagement than text-only posts? Infographics are liked and shared on social media 3x more than other any other type of content. So don’t ignore infographics and make sure to include them in your content marketing strategy for 2023. Read: Top 10+ Real Online Jobs for Earning Quick Money [2023 Edition]

Link roundup posts are great for link building. They give you contextual and highly relevant backlinks which helps in getting more organic traffic to your sites from search engines like Google. In simple terms, link roundups are monthly or weekly or daily curations of your industry’s best content, value of links roundup is completely depend on more links to great content. You can search for the blogs and websites that do link roundups in your niche and contact them whenever you’ve a great piece of content to promote. It’s great if you often leave comments and link to their blog posts before seeking help.

10. Build trust, increase your authority and enjoy the audience

What’s the fastest way to get more traffic, leads and sales to your site? If you’re a smart marketer or blogger, you would instantly say “increasing personal brand online”. Yes, focus on building and growing your personal brand value online. Smart marketers like Pat Flynn, Ramit Sethi, Neil Patel etc are making millions of dollars every year mostly because of their personal brand. People trust them. They trust their brand and buy whatever they recommend. So instead of looking for shortcuts, think long term. Build trust, increase your authority and enjoy long term audience.

11. Social media promotion

Social media sites are becoming vital for webmasters and bloggers to get more attention in less time. Even if you are new to blogging, you can pull massive readers to your blog posts by writing powerful blog post headlines. Here are few things to do after publishing a new content. Promote on Facebook: Facebook is the #1 destination for most bloggers, they spend a lot of time in connecting with other bloggers, sharing their posts and becoming part of different Facebook groups. So when you spend active time on Facebook to promote your blog posts and connecting with other bloggers, you will instantly get wide reach for your blog posts. Be active on Twitter: Twitter is widely used by many professional bloggers who are actively searching for different queries using hash tags. So if you are using powerful headlines for your blog posts and submit them on twitter using relevant hash tags, you will definitely see better results. The key here is to get more twitter followers, but make sure they all are related to your blogging space. Unknown followers on twitter may give you a great social influence, but it doesn’t give you any value to your posts (random followers won’t click on your links or connect with your posts).

12. List out other blogs and start commenting

One of the best ways to get more reach for your latest blog posts is to comment on other blogs in your niche. Start listing out other blogs in your network and comment on their latest blog posts (try to be the top commenter) when you post something new on your blog. It’s also advisable for you to comment on CommentLuv enabled blogs, this plugin enables to easily show your recent entries. You will not only get backlinks but you will also drive relevant traffic to your blog posts. Here are few tips to write great blog comments that get more attention and drive traffic.

Never leave short comments, no one likes to read and no one wants to click on your Gravatar links. Always read the post and leave thoughtful comments that will definitely bring your more traffic. Use a gravatar (good looking) Mention the authors name when leaving a comment (this adds personal touch) Try to be the top commenter on any given post

13. Guest post on related topics

If you consistently post high quality articles on your blog, you should consider landing your guest posts on top blogs in your niche to get more reach. Guest posting is the effective way to build loyal readership and subscribers to your blog. Guest blogging is not dead yet, it’s as good as before it used to be. You just need to write quality articles to build relationships with others and never use guest posting as a way to build backlinks. It won’t give you any results in the long run. Network with other bloggers and share their posts, you will be fine with guest blogging.

14. Email list promotion

If you are not building an email list, you are going to hate yourself later. Google is coming up with too many updates to refine its search algorithms to give better search results. So you can’t depend solely on search engines to bring traffic or make more money. You must build a responsive email list who listens and buy your stuff.

Why build an email list, you may ask. Here are few strong reasons to build a list to grow your blog.

To bring more targeted traffic To make more money To build relationships To create awareness about your brand or products

After creating having a good list of subscribers, you can send your latest newsletters about your new posts to them to bring more traffic. That way you will be able to get more reach, shares and comments on them with just a click.

15. Use blogging forums

Networking is everything. Find various blogging forums in your industry and start connecting with other people instead of just promoting your stuff. Having great content is not enough to build a profitable blog. You also need strong connections with other bloggers in your niche to make your blog posts go viral. Who will read your stuff when no one knows that your blog exists? You need to create huge impact on others so they can find you easily. The problem is blogging world is  heavily crowded and you can’t easily find enough space to stand out. That’s the major reason why your focus should be on building great relationships with other bloggers to  succeed online.

16. Promote others work

One of the smartest free promotion ways to get more exposure to your blog posts is to promote others stuff, not yours! I don’t mean you shouldn’t self-promote, but you need to spend your time more on promoting others work that adds value to the community. This way whenever someone gets promoted by you, they will do the same, they’ll promote you too. Don’t expect to let other bloggers share your stuff without actually sharing their stuff. Do you know that you can easily grab other bloggers attention to read or share your blog posts just by sharing and/or linking to their articles? By sharing their work, you are not only providing the best stuff to your readers, but you are also building strong connections with other blog owners. This will work like a charm and gives you massive results in the long run of your blogging career. Key takeaway: Whenever you publishing something really awesome on your blogs, make sure to email people to tweet or link to your posts. Use tools like Topsy, Buzzsumo etc to find out the top tweets and posts in your niche. Follow the influencers in your niche on twitter and Facebook. And tag them whenever you’re sharing their stuff.

Here are few bookmarking sites that can drive you enough traffic to your latest blog posts. Note: Always make sure to submit on the above bookmarking sites after publishing each and every post on your blogs. To see a great traffic from above sources, you have to spend active time on creating a name for yourself.

18. Updating old blog posts

  1. Internal Linking: I have been a great fan of this method and believe me I get a lot of readers on my older posts by this method. Inter-linking blog post is the best method to go ahead with. If the landing page of your blog is immersible then readers will read other interlinked blog posts too and this way you will get more page views then ever before. You can use manual interlinking process or auto interlinking plugins. Auto interlinking will save you time but can overkill the interlining process. Where as manual interlinking looks smart and does not annoy readers. I would suggest you all to manually interlink your older posts with the new ones. Read: Link Whisper Plugin Review: Is it the Best Plugin for Internal Linking?
  2. Change old blog post titles: One of the easiest ways to boost your traffic and page views is to write better headlines. If you have dull headlines on your old blog posts, tweak them right away. Spend time to find out the old blog posts that are giving you good amount of search traffic, and create powerful headlines for them (use your Google analytics data to find your most traffic web pages and old posts). Make sure NOT to change your permalinks aka URL structure, you will get 404 error pages if you do so.
  3. Optimize your old blog posts: As your old blog posts are already older, so you will tend to get more search traffic if you carefully craft them for the search engines. You don’t need to keyword stuff your old blog posts though, use relevant keywords to get the most out of them. Try to write more content or remove unwanted words to keep your old blog posts interesting and valuable. You can also republish them if you know they are still relevant to your audience. Here are few important questions about promoting blog posts to bring more traffic and increase your blog’s growth in 2023.
  4. What are the best social media promotion apps for 2023? Here are some of the best social media promotional apps for 2023 which lets you easily handle your social media accounts and few of them also help you schedule and promote your blog posts on social media sites with ease.

Buffer Hootsuite Sprout Social Tint Buzzsumo PixxFly Pagemodo Mention

  1. How do I promote my blog on Facebook? There are a ton of ways to promote your blog on Facebook. You can either reach out to active Facebook influencers in your niche and offer them something to promote your blog or you can also use Facebook groups to build a community from scratch. Apart from that, you can also do Facebook paid ads to quickly boost your blog posts to reach to a wider audience. The good thing about using Facebook ads is that you can reach out to specific people (target audience, demographics, age and so on) so you attract the right people to your site.
  2. What’s the best blog promotion strategy? The best promotion strategy is something that gives you traffic and sales even when you don’t promote. So the best blog promotion strategy can include;

Building and growing an email list Using SEO optimization tips to get long lasting traffic Using social media automation tools to automate and schedule your contents in advance

  1. How can I use social media to promote my blog? Here are few proven and most effective ways to use social media to promote your blog to reach wider audience.

Target influencers on social media. Build a list of few social media influencers, follow them and start promoting their contents. Make sure to tag them whenever you’re promoting their stuff to get into their radar. Engage your audience. Don’t self-promote. You should also offer help and promote others stuff so you can also get likes and comments from others. You might not get any likes or tweets by sharing your blog posts but you’ll definitely get some buzz if you share others stuff by tagging them. So give before you ask!

Heres the social media ROI.

  1. How to make a post go viral online in 2023 and beyond? So how to make a post go viral and create a lot of buzz? Here are few powerful tips to make your content go viral online in 2023.

Create a magnetic headline. If your headline sucks, don’t even bother about getting a share, comment or link. You can use tools like Portent to come up with great headline ideas. You can also check out this post on headline analyzer tools to create compelling headlines for your blog posts. Create controversial topics like “marriage isn’t for you”, “don’t invest in mutual funds”, “stay away from rice” and so on as they immediately grab people’s attention and make them want to read. If your content is too good, they will also share your posts on social which helps your blog posts to easily go viral online. Write epic content. There’s no alternative to make your blog posts go viral other than creating extremely great articles. If your content is 10 times better than your competitors, you can easily attract more social shares, comments, buzz and also backlinks.

Browse more Blogging Resources:

How to Start a Blog in 2023 [Step by Step Process] How to Get Your Blog Noticed in 2023 A Powerful Blog Setup Checklist How to Promote Your Blog for Free in 2023 What is Personal Branding with Personal Brand Examples in 2023 Top Ways to Interlink Your Blog Posts Like a PRO Best Blogging Tips That Work Like a Charm

Final Thoughts

If you want to get more exposure for your blog posts, promote more. The only way to increase your overall traffic, shares, comments and links is through proper blog promotion. By following 80/20 rule (spending 80% of your time in promotion and 20% on creating the blog posts), you can get a lot of exposure to your blog posts. Promotion is the only way to get more traffic and eye balls on your latest blog posts. Without promotion, your blog won’t go anywhere. If you don’t want to depend on SEO traffic (especially when your blog is new), use the above proven ways to promote your new blog posts. What are your favorite blog post promotion methods? Do you have any more blog promotion tips? Please share them below.