Some Highlights of SHG Bank Linkage Program


Total number of SHGs savings linked with banks: 69.53 lakh Out of total [of which] exclusive Women SHGs: 53.10 lakh Out of total [of which] – SGSY SHGs: 16.94 lakh Total number of SHGs credit linked during 2009-10: 15.87 lakh Out of total [of which], exclusive Women SHGs credit linked: 12.94 lakh Out of total [of which]-SGSY SHGs, credit-linked: 2.67 lakh Total number of SHGs having loans outstanding as on 31 March 2010: 48.51 lakh Of which exclusive Women SHGs: 38.98 lakh Of which-SGSY SHGs: 12.45 lakh Estimated number of families covered up to 31 March 2010: 97 million


Total savings amount of SHGs with banks as on 31 March 2010: Rs 6198.71 crore Out of total savings of exclusive Women SHGs: Rs 4498.66 crore Out of total savings of SGSY SHGs: Rs 1292.62 crore The total amount of loans disbursed to SHGs during 2009-10: Rs 14453.30 crore Out of total loans disbursed to Women SHGs: Rs 12429.37 crore Out of total loans disbursed to SGSY SHGs: Rs 2198.00 crore The total amount of loans outstanding against SHGs as on 31 March 2010: Rs 28038.28 crore Out of total loans o/s against Women SHGs: Rs 23030.36 crore Out of total loans o/s against SGSY SHGs: Rs 6251.08 crore Average loan amount outstanding per SHG as on March 2010: Rs 57795 Average loan amount outstanding per member as on 31 March 2010: Rs 4128

Preface of Status of Micro Finance in India 2010 – Nabard Report

The Self Help Group (SHG)-Bank Linkage Programme, in the past eighteen years, has become a well-known tool for bankers, developmental agencies and even for corporate houses. SHGs, in many ways, have gone beyond the means of delivering the financial services as a channel and turned out to be a focal point for purveying various services to the poor. The programme, over a period, has become the common vehicle in the development process, converging important development programmes. With the small beginning as Pilot Programme launched by NABARD by linking 255 SHGs with banks in 1992, the programme has reached to linking of 69.5 lakh saving-linked SHGs and 48.5 lakh credit-linked SHGs and thus about 9.7 crore households are covered under the programme, envisaging synthesis of the formal financial system and informal sector. In view of the large outreach and pre-dominant position of the microFinance programme, it is important to keep a continuous track of the status, progress, trends, qualitative and quantitative performance comprehensively. To achieve this objective, Reserve Bank of India and NABARD issued guidelines in the year 2006-07 to Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Cooperative Banks to furnish data on progress under microFinance. The data so collected covers various parameters like savings of SHGs with banks, bank loan disbursed to SHGs, bank loan outstanding against SHGs, gross non-performing assets of bank loans to SHGs, recovery performance of loans to SHGs. Further, the banks also furnished the data regarding bank loans provided to Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs). NABARD has been bringing out the consolidated document annually. This booklet presents the consolidated data obtained from the banks along with preliminary analysis of the various trends and progress under microfinance sector under the two models viz., SHG – Bank Linkage model and MFI – Bank Linkage model. The data furnished by the banks have been analysed on a region-wise, state-wise, agency-wise, bank-wise and also for SHGs exclusively under Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana and exclusive women SHGs data in the booklet. The trend in submitting the Management Information System by banks has shown improvement. This year all 27 Public Sector Commercial Banks, 19 private sector Commercial Banks, 81 Regional Rural Banks and 318 Co-operative Banks have submitted the MIS. We thank all the banks for furnishing the data and expected that in the coming years all the remaining banks will co-operate in the timely and accurate submission of data to us. The major support provided by NABARD under Micro Finance Development and Equity Fund relates to the promotion and nurturing of SHGs by Self Help Promoting Institutions and training and capacity building of the stakeholders in the Sector. NABARD is also experimenting with innovative projects for further developing the microFinance through Joint Liability Groups. The details in this regard are also included in this booklet. We hope that all the stakeholders under the microfinance sector would use the information as input and feedback relating to the sector for bringing about policy changes and improvement in operational strategies. More analysis than what is given in the book is expected from all the microfinance players. NABARD would welcome suggestions and comments on this booklet for making it more informative and useful at all levels in the microfinance sector. Download the report at the link below Status of Microfinance in India 2010 Nabard Report -pdf-224-pages-5.25MB