The partnership will explore new ways to provide loans to enterprises in the remote region, including the creation of a specialized fund to facilitate small investments. Fund size and other details of the partnership are being worked out at this stage. Priority sectors identified for investments include food and agribusiness, infrastructure, healthcare, education, and affordable housing. “There are substantial untapped opportunities in the northeastern states of India. Collaborating with IFC will help us leverage our respective capabilities in expanding financial services to the region,” said Rana Kapoor, Managing Director and CEO of Yes Bank. Yes Bank plans a strong presence in northeast India, promoting job creation and inclusion. IFC will support and complement these efforts through a combination of its investment and advisory services. Last year, IFC provided a $75 million loan to help Yes Bank expand its network to reach underserved people, small and medium enterprises, and agricultural borrowers in India. Given the high growth potential of northeast India and opportunities for greater inclusion, IFC has been collaborating with institutions across sectors to foster economic and social development in the region.

IFC and YES Bank announce fund for small business in North East India - 84IFC and YES Bank announce fund for small business in North East India - 78