Have you ever wondered how few bloggers make thousands of dollars every month? You’ve come to the right place. If you think blogging is just a hobby, you should think again. Blogging is a serious business. Did you know that we made more than $160,000 in the last year from the blog you’re reading right now? If done right, blogging can help you make huge money.  But keep one thing in mind: blogging is NOT a get rich quick scheme. It took us almost 10 years to build a blog that generates $10,000+ per month. If you’re in a hurry, you should look elsewhere as it takes some time to build a money-making blog. And… if you’re looking for an in-depth guide on how to make money from blogging, this one’s for you. Here’s what you’ll discover in this detailed make money blogging guide for 2023.

Last 2 years earning reports of our blog Our premium eBook sales along with the Razorpay Instamojo payout screenshots Semrush latest earning screenshots (Semrush is our biggest revenue source) Proven ways to make money blogging in 2023 even if you’re a beginner  Pros and cons of each monetization strategy and more

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started to find out how to make money blogging for beginners without much ado.

How to Make Money Blogging for Beginners in 2023?

How We Built a $10,000 Per Month Blog?

The blog you’re currently reading makes over $10,000 per month. Yes, you heard it right. Most of our blog’s income comes from affiliate marketing.  In 2020, we made over $140,000 and in 2021, we generated more than $160,000 from BloggersPassion alone. Here’s the earning report with a monthly breakdown of our earnings for the last 2 years. Quick note: We get our payments (be it affiliate commissions or eBook sales) from various ways such as Paypal, bank account, Razorpay, and more. That’s why showing our overall earnings in the spreadsheets where we log everything. We’ll also try to include as many real-time earning reports as possible below. Let’s start with Semrush. Here’s the total revenue we generated so far from the Semrush affiliate program. As you can see above, we made over $394,000 from selling just ONE product i.e Semrush. In fact, Semrush is one of the biggest reasons why we earn $10,000+ per month from BloggersPassion. Here are the earning reports from Razorpay. Razorpay is the payment gateway we used to sell our premium eBooks. As you can see above, we generated around $7,440 (Converted amount) from this platform selling our eBooks. Apart from Razorpay, we also used Instamojo to sell our eBooks. Here’s the earning report of Instamojo. As you can see, we generated over $1,610 (Converted Amount) from the Instamojo platform selling our eBooks. Apart from these two platforms (Razorpay and Instamojo), we had received $1000+ directly into our Paypal account (from the International audience). Here’s the earning report from Bluehost As you can see above, we generated more than $67,000 from the Bluehost affiliate program. Earnings from affiliate networks As you can see above, from the Impact affiliate network, we generated over $33,600 in 2021 (which includes various affiliate commissions such as HostGator, AppSumo and Semrush to name a few). So there you go. We shared with you all the latest earning reports for BloggersPassion and some PROVEN ways on how to make money blogging for beginners 🙂 Without wasting much time, we’ll now jump into the details of how you can make some REAL money from blogging as a beginner in 2023 and beyond.

How to Make Money Blogging for Beginners | 10 PROVEN Ways

Although there are a ton of ways to make money blogging but as a beginner, we’d recommend you to focus on the following monetization strategies as they work like a charm.

1. Affiliate Marketing 

Hands down affiliate marketing is the best way to earn passive income from blogging. The majority of the income we earn from BloggersPassion comes from selling affiliate products. It’s the ultimate way to make money blogging as a beginner. How much can you earn from affiliate marketing? The sky’s the limit when it comes to affiliate marketing earnings. We already mentioned our Semrush earning reports, for those who missed them, here’s it again. See that? $394,000+ and counting. That too from just one affiliate product. Isn’t it insane? It’s not just me, but there are also successful affiliate marketers such as Adam Enfroy, who reported over $80,000 in affiliate revenue in June 2021. That’s the power of affiliate marketing. If done right, you can make money even while you sleep. There are a ton of affiliate programs you can pick to promote high-paying products to your target audience.  We mostly promote the following affiliate products to earn from our blog.

SEO tools such as Semrush, Serpstat (you can also read our Semrush affiliate program review) Web hosts such as Bluehost, Hostinger, A2 Hosting (you can also check out our Bluehost affiliate program review) WordPress (including tools, plugins, themes, and more)

Few resources that can help you with affiliate marketing:

How To Make A Living From Affiliate Marketing in 2023? Case Study On How I Earn $120,000+ Every Year The Art of Selling: How to Sell Affiliate Products Like A Pro Affiliate Marketing Blueprint: Learn how to go from zero to $1000/mo (this is our hot-selling premium eBook on affiliate marketing)


There’s no need to create a product or service as you can find and promote other vendors’ products for free You can work and make money from anywhere Low upfront cost (all you need is a website or an email list to start promoting your affiliate products) It’s a great passive income source that helps you make money even while you sleep You can help people by promoting useful products that solve their problems and make money while helping (so it’s a win/win approach) Most of the affiliate programs are entirely free to join and offer an instant account setup facility. Some of the affiliate programs such as the Semrush affiliate program offer a “10-year cookie period”. It means you can earn a commission even when someone clicks on your affiliate link and then buys a Semrush subscription plan 10 years later! You’ll get access to banners and ad copies with most affiliate programs to easily promote their products to your audience 


The only drawback with affiliate marketing is that it takes a lot of time (at least 1 to 2 years) to start earning a decent income every month ($1000+ per month) from affiliate marketing. If you’re looking for a get quick rich scheme, affiliate marketing is NOT for you.

2. Google AdSense

Google AdSense is one of the best ways to make money blogging for beginners. In fact, the majority of the new bloggers launch their blogs to make money from AdSense.  Google AdSense is an ad publishing network from Google that helps bloggers to earn money and allows publishers to pay for showing their ads.  Here’s how AdSense works (in simple terms). Google charges advertisers per each ad click.  Publishers such as bloggers and website owners get 68% of the click amount (or 51% when it comes to AdSense for search).  Your AdSense earnings totally depend on the competition and CPC in your industry. Usually, the commission per click can range from $0.20 to $15 and more. You need an AdSense account to start showing ads on your website and earn money from ad clicks.  How much can you earn from AdSense? Bloggers like Harsh Agrawal earned more than $50,000 from AdSense alone.  Have a look; Many bloggers earn a few hundred dollars a month if they are getting a minimum of 1000 visitors a day. As mentioned earlier, your AdSense earnings depend on the competition and CPC of the keywords in your niche. For instance, your average AdSense earnings can be much higher if you’re running a credit cards related website (when compared to a technology site). Few resources that can help you with Google AdSense:

10 Powerful Ways to Boost Google AdSense Earnings Even If You Are A Beginner Want to create an AdSense friendly website that makes $100 every single day? Read this


Firstly, it’s free to join, and Google creates your ads, so you don’t have to do anything else to attract ads as Google does it automatically You can place ads on multiple sites from a single AdSense account (extremely useful if you’re running multiple niche sites) You can control the ads you show (you can change the text, color, backgrounds, and borders of your AdSense ads to match your website’s design)


Google can close your AdSense account anytime they want (in case of fraudulent cases such as generating automated traffic, artificially inflating the impressions or clicks, and more) Honestly, AdSense pays you peanuts (even if you generate a ton of traffic or clicks every day, you earn peanuts and your earnings also depend on CPC of keywords) AdSense ads will impact your page loading times which ultimately affects your website’s user experience

3. Selling Digital Products

Do you have any expertise in your industry? Or do you want to sell something directly to the audience? Then, you should definitely try selling digital products. People love to buy digital products such as eBooks, checklists, themes, plugins, tools, stock photos, swipe files, and so on. They can be easily downloaded from a smartphone or a desktop and can be used instantly. Thanks to the recent rapid growth of digital marketing, there are so many payment gateways that provide easy access to sell your digital products such as eBooks. How much can you earn from selling digital products? We made over $10,000 selling our premium eBooks in the last one year alone. The best part? We never sold any of our own products before on BloggersPassion. 2020 was the first-ever year we got into selling our own products and we’re pretty much happy with the profits.  Similarly, there are so many bloggers and online entrepreneurs who make a ton of money every year selling digital products.  Helpful resources on creating and selling digital products such as eBooks:

How to Write an eBook in 2023: A Simple Step by Step Tutorial for Beginners How to Sell Your eBooks [Including Our eBook Case Study]


It’s a great passive income source and you can price your products such as eBooks however you want (there’s no limit on the price tag!) You don’t have to deliver the products physically as they can be downloaded as zip files or PDF files (such as eBooks) There are so many payment gateways like Razorpay that helps you easily accept payments from customers (we’re also using the same gateway to sell our eBooks) You can use Facebook ads to reach new customers to make daily sales


Possible for piracy as people can buy your products and then distribute them for free on various platforms or forums If you create a product without validating the idea, it can backfire. People may not buy just because you’ve created something for them. Product validation is a must!

4. Make Money Selling Online Courses

The best way to make money blogging in 2023 and beyond is to sell online courses.  Selling online courses is the most effective way to earn passive income. Unlike affiliate marketing, you don’t have to depend on any service or product vendor as you’re the boss. There are so many influential bloggers like Brian Dean, Derek Halpern, Ramit Sethi etc earn the majority of their blogging income by selling online courses.  How much can you earn from selling online courses? Bryan Harris from Videofruit generated over $220,000 within 10 days after launching his new course. Ramit Sethi often generates millions of dollars selling his online courses. He also shares his secrets and strategies to boost your online courses earnings. If you’ve expertise in your field and create great online courses that are useful to your target audience, you can earn millions of dollars from online courses. Yes, it does take time to reach to that level but it’s possible. Helpful resources on creating and selling online courses:

How to Create and Sell an Online Course: The Ultimate Guide How to Make Money With an Awesome Online Course


Easy to use platforms have made online course selling easy (platforms such as WooCommerce, Teachable, Thinkific etc) Great passive income source You’re your own boss and you can change the pricing of your courses anytime you want You can upsell, downsell, or cross-sell any product to boost your online course profits You can establish yourself as an expert by launching online courses


They are time-consuming and you often need to update your courses with new information You need to build an audience to be able to make huge profits and people should consider you as an authority in your niche (otherwise, it’s hard to convince them to pay for your courses)

5. Offer Consulting 

Did you know that successful online marketers like Brian Clark from CopyBlogger and Laura Roeder from Edgar started their online journey by offering services before launching their online ventures? Yes, that’s true. If you want a stable income and be seen as an expert in your niche, offer consulting. How much can you earn as a consultant online? It depends on your expertise and niche. For instance, fitness consultants get paid according to the brand they build and customers they target. Obviously, you can earn more by targeting customers from the US and Canada (and less in Asia).  Did you know that SEO experts like Neil Patel charge up to $5,000 just for an hour-long consultation? So there’s no cap on how much you can earn as a consultant.  Have a look at the following image to see some of the consulting services he offers; As you can see, he offers a wide range of services ranging from SEO to paid media to content marketing to help brands and he charges A LOT. Build a personal brand, attract high-paying clients and deliver results – that’s how you keep getting long-lasting customers who pay for your value.  Helpful resource: 

Six Figure Consultant: 4 Proven Services Every Blogger Can Offer to Make Money Online


You can add huge value to the companies, brands or people you work with. You can share your expertise to grow their business rapidly. You can work with handpicked people (or brands) you like. You’re your own boss. You can work remotely. You don’t have to attend offline meetings as everything can be done online through emails, Skype or Zoom calls. You often get paid more for every hour you work with your clients. 


It’s not a passive income source as you need to constantly spend your time to make money. Also, results matter. If your clients are not getting desired results, it’s hard to attract more clients in the long run.

6. Sell Your Own Services

If you’re looking for the fastest way to monetize your blog, offer your services. You can build a portfolio on your website sharing the projects/companies you’ve worked with. That way you can attract high-paying clients. Here’s a list of  some of the demanding services you can offer from your blog.

Freelance writing (such as content writing, editing, ghost writing, guest posting and more) Web design SEO (such as keyword research, paid ads, link building, site audits and more) WordPress installation  Logo design and the list goes on

How much can you earn by offering services? There are a lot of prolific freelance writers who charge several thousands of dollars per each article they write. Writers like Jon Morrow charged upwards $3000 to $5000 for every blog post he wrote. Side note: Jon Morrow is NOT writing for anyone as he now built a successful blog called Smart Blogger which generates thousands of dollars each month. That said, most freelancers earn according to their skills and experience. As a freelancer, you can earn at an average of $50 to $100 per hour which is not bad especially when you’re starting out.  Helpful resources:

How to Earn More Money Freelancing (Even if You’re a Beginner) Top 10 Websites for Freelance Content Writers to Make More Money in 2023


You can work anywhere, anytime, and for anyone. You can fire clients if you don’t like working with them.  Unlimited potential. There’s no cap on how much you can earn. It depends on skills, how you market yourself, and how you attract high-paying clients. You don’t have to commute anywhere as you can work remotely A better work-life balance and you can stay connected with your family and friends You can also work on your own projects such as a YouTube channel, eCommerce store and grow your income (or you can also create and sell your own products sharing your freelancing experience)


Your income is directly proportional to the clients you pick. There are a lot of people who don’t pay you even after finishing your projects. So you should know how to deal with your clients.  It’s NOT a passive income source. Your income stops once you stop working. 

7. Sponsored Posts Or Paid Reviews

Sponsored blog posts (or paid reviews) are promotional reviews of the product or service. They are usually written by the blog owners (in some cases, companies provide you content for free) and they publish those reviews on their blog in exchange for money with a link back to the advertiser’s website. It is undoubtedly one of the best ways on how to make money blogging for beginners. Here’s an example of a sponsored post (on the “Quick Sprout” blog). How much can you earn from sponsored posts? Typically most bloggers charge upwards $100 to $1000 for each sponsored post. The money you make from sponsored reviews depends on the niche, your site’s authority and competition. Pros:

You’ll get paid without much work involved as most brands give you both content (that contain reviews about their product) and money. You’ll often get paid fully before you even publish sponsored posts on your blog You’ll have full control over what type of sponsored posts to approve and what to decline as you own the blog Often times, when you’re reviewing a paid product, you can ask for a free trial or free copy (most companies would be happy to provide lifetime licences for free)  


There’s a risk of people losing trust in your brand if you promote mediocre products or services. So make sure to pick informative and high-quality brands that actually help your audience. 

8. Sell Banner Ads On Your Website

You can use publishing platforms like Ezoic, Adsterra, Taboola etc to find ways to monetize your banner ads.  Or you can also sell banner ads directly from your website by listing all essential things like your website traffic, domain authority etc to attract other brands to place ads on your site. How much can you earn from banner ads? It depends on several factors such as your niche, the authority your website has, the amount of traffic you get and so on.  At an average, you can expect to earn $50 and more per banner ad depending on the size. If you’re getting huge traffic, you can even charge $500 to $2000 per month for selling banner ads.  Big publications sites like Forbes charge thousands of dollars for showing ads on their site. For example, “Capital One” placed this ad on the Forbes homepage, through an ad network: Useful resources to sell ad space on your website:

How to Make Money Selling Banner Ads on Your Blog 5 Effective Ways to Sell Ad Space on Your WordPress Website


Unlike display ad networks such as AdSense ads, you can control the “banner ads” showing up on your blog or website. You can also remove them if you find them inappropriate to your target audience.  You’ll earn more with banner ads when compared to AdSense If you’re getting enough traffic, you can earn money consistently from banner ads


Showing inappropriate ads can kill the user experience and if you’re showing a lot of banner ads on your site, it reduces the overall website page loading times.

9. Make Money by Website Flipping

Website flipping is one of the best ways to make money blogging. Website flipping is where you buy an existing website, improve it, and then sell (or “flip”) it at a higher price.  It is similar to the real estate market where people will buy a house, renovate it and sell it for a high profit. How much money do you need to start website flipping? Well, it depends. It can be as cheap as $100.  Be ready to pay at least 10x to 20x of a website’s monthly revenue. Let’s say, if you find a website that’s generating $100 a month, you’d need to pay at least $1000 to $2000. The value of a website depends on several things including;

Domain age Backlinks The monthly income it generates The number of visitors it gets in a month Content, design, and more

Obviously, if you find a website with decent earnings with lots of content on it, you’ll need to pay more. Did you know that we sold one of our website on Flippa for around $35,000? Have a look; See that? Flippa is a great platform to buy and sell websites at a great price. Where can you find websites to flip? You can use websites like Flippa to find websites that are making money. If you’re looking for a premium platform like Flippa to purchase expensive websites or domains, you can also check out “Empire Flippers”. You can also use Facebook groups to find inexpensive domains or websites for sale. For instance, there’s a Facebook group called “Flipping Websites” that currently has over 17,000 members. No matter whether you buy a domain or website, just make sure to verify all the things like website owner, email, traffic stats etc before paying any money. Useful resources on domain and website flipping:

Top 10 Best Marketplaces to Find & Buy Expired Domains How I Made $16,800+ Blog Flipping A Site Without Traffic


You can start small. You can buy websites on sites such as Flippa for $100 You don’t have to build and grow a blog/website from scratch as you can buy established or high-traffic sites (or domains) You can make 10x or 20x returns if you find the right domains or websites to flip (that too in a short time)


If you’ve never worked on websites before, you may have a steep learning curve You’ll need to be aware of hidden costs of running a website (if you plan to hold it). Costs such as hosting or outsourcing content, SEO etc can be expensive. 

10. Event Blogging

Event blogging is NOT dead. There are a ton of bloggers who start event blogs to earn huge money in a short time. Even blogging is where you pick an event and create content only specific to that event. For instance, you can pick the “New year event” and create a blog, start sharing royalty-free images or stock photos to drive traffic from search engines.  You can then use affiliate links or AdSense ads to generate income from your event blog. How much can you earn from even blogging? It depends on the events you choose and the number of blogs you run. Every year, we pay special attention to Black Friday season which comes in November. We regularly generate $10,000 to $15,000 during the Black Friday week.  As you can see above, you can earn thousands of dollars from event blogging if you’ve the right strategy. Few helpful resources around event blogging:

Event Blogging: How to Create An Event Blog & Make Money from It As A Beginner? Black Friday Affiliate Marketing Case Study: How We Made Over $13,000 Within A Week


You can make a lot of money in a short period of time (within a week or month depending on the event) It won’t take as much efforts as building and growing a regular blog A ton of ways to monetize your event blogs and it also helps you diversify your income sources online 


Event blogs provide you income only during the event (for instance, you can generate Black Friday season affiliate commissions only once a year because the Black Friday week comes only once). The same is the case with other major events like Christmas sales, New Year, and more. There’s huge competition out there. You’ll find event blogs on almost every single topic. To get first page rankings on Google is ONLY possible if you improve your website’s SEO regularly.

How to Start a Blog to Make Money Blogging As A Beginner

So you want to start a blog on WordPress. Although you can use platforms like Blogger to create free blogs but we do NOT recommend it. Why? If you want to learn how to make money blogging for beginners, be professional from day 1. Use WordPress. Did you know that WordPress powers 39.5% of all websites on Internet in 2021? It’s also the #1 CMS (Content Management System) in the world. WordPress is used by some of the biggest brands like Sony Music, Tech Crunch, The New York Times Company, Mercedes-Benz and many more. So if you want to build a money-making blog, use WordPress. You need two things to start a WordPress blog in 2023.

Domain name Hosting

We’ll show you a simple 3-step tutorial so you can start a WordPress blog within a few minutes.  Quick note: We recommend Bluehost for beginners as it’s a reliable web host used by over 2 million people worldwide. It’s also easy to use and extremely affordable. Bluehost is also officially recommended by WordPress itself!  Step 1: Register a domain name You need a domain to get started with a blog. Fortunately, Bluehost offers a free domain for 1 year, so you can only pay for their hosting. Click here to visit the Bluehost site and click on the “Get Started Now” button to continue. As you can see above, you’ll be getting an exclusive offer for BloggersPassion readers and you can get their hosting plans starting at just $2.95 per month. Once you click on the Get Started Now button, you’ll be taken to their hosting plans which look like this; As you can see above, you’ll see 3 pricing plans to choose from. Pick any of the plans from Bluehost that suits your budget and website needs. In the next step, you’ll be asked to pick a domain name. Here’s how it looks like; As mentioned earlier, it’s FREE to create a new domain with Bluehost or you can also use a domain you already own. Step 2: Purchase hosting for your blog Once you’re done with the domain registration, you’ll be then asked to create an account with Bluehost. Here’s where you need to create an account and finish the payment process. As you can see above, if you go with the Basic plan, it will only cost you $2.95/mo. That means, for the next 12 months, you’ll be just paying around $35.40! Once you’re done with the payment, you’ll get a confirmation email from Bluehost along with your account details. Step 3: Install WordPress One good thing about using Bluehost is that Bluehost automatically installs WordPress on your domain when you sign up.  Just login to your Bluehost account and you’ll find your WordPress site under the ‘My Sites’ tab. As you can see above, once you log into WordPress, you’ll be taken to the WordPress admin area. Once you’re in the WordPress admin area, click on the ‘Create Site’ button under ‘My Sites’ tab to get started. Here’s how it looks like; Finally, just pick a name for your blog and choose the domain where you want to install WordPress, and the Bluehost WordPress installer will set up your WordPress site within a minute. That’s it, you’re done. You’ve successfully installed WordPress on Bluehost and you can start blogging. Important: If you need any help in installing WordPress on Bluehost, you can contact Bluehost customer support and they will help you. You can also email me at [email protected] if you need any assistance.

6 Blogging Tools that Help Make Money Blogging for Beginners

Blogging is a business. Just like any other serious business, blogging also needs investment. You need to get access to the right blogging tools if you want to save time, get better results, and make profits. Here’s a handpicked list of 6 of the best blogging tools we’ve used to get massive results. Note that some of these blogging tools are premium. So we’ll also provide you free alternatives to them. Let’s get started!

1. Semrush: The ONLY SEO Tool You Need!

Semrush is the go-to SEO tool that we use for almost everything including keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink building, on-page optimization, brand monitoring, and the list goes on. It’s also the world’s #1 SEO tool used by over 6 million people including thousands of big agencies and SEO experts.  But Semrush is a premium SEO toolkit and it offers 3 pricing packages which are listed below. If you’re wondering about which Semrush plan to go for, check out our detailed post on Semrush pricing plans to find out the suitable pricing package for your SEO needs. That said, you can also try their Pro plan FREE for 30 days. Try Semrush 30 Days Free Trial (Worth $119.95) What if you don’t have money to spend on Semrush? Semrush is a premium SEO toolkit that costs you at least $120 per month and if you don’t have that budget when starting out, you can try the following SEO tools.

Ubersuggest (it has a free version that’s more than enough for most people to perform keyword research, site audits, competitor research, and so on) KWFinder (great for keyword research which gives you 5 keyword lookups in 24 hours) SEO audit from SEO Mastering (a free tool that helps you perform SEO analysis)  Screaming Frog (has a free version that checks for oversized image files, broken links, duplicate pages, and many more) Keywordtool.io (its free version gives you more than 750 keyword suggestions including long-tail keywords)

2. WP Rocket: The #1 WordPress Caching Plugin

Want to speed up your WordPress website to get more traffic and conversions? Then, you should definitely try WP Rocket. WP Rocket is a premium cache plugin for WordPress and it comes equipped with the most powerful features such as page caching, lazy loading, static file compression and more. It’s the #1 premium caching plugin used by over 1.4 million websites around the world and we’re also using the same plugin on BloggersPassion for the last couple of years. WP Rocket comes in 3 pricing packages which are listed below.

Single (costs you $49 where you’ll get 1 year of support and updates for 1 website) Plus (costs you $99 where you’ll get 1 year of support and updates for 3 websites) Infinite (costs you $249 where you’ll get 1 year of support and updates for unlimited websites)

So what are you waiting for? Click here to Grab WP Rocket Now What if you don’t have money to spend on WP Rocket? Although WP Rocket is an exceptional caching plugin but it doesn’t come for free. So if you’re looking for a free caching plugin, you can go with W3 Total Cache.  W3 total cache improves your website performance and reducing load times by leveraging features like content delivery network (CDN), page caching, browser caching, and more.

3. Rank Math: #1 Optimization Plugin for WordPress

Rank Math is one of my all-time favorite blogging tools because it helps you easily optimize your blog posts for target keywords. If you’re looking to get more traffic from Google, you must install Rank Math SEO plugin. Rank Math Pro comes in two pricing plans which are; Try Rank Math Pro today (comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee)  You can also check out our in-depth Rank Math SEO review where you can find all the details. What if you don’t have money to spend on Rank Math? Rank Math also offers a free version which can be downloaded from here. Although the free version doesn’t offer a lot of features but it is enough for beginners who’re getting started. Alternatively, you can also check out Yoast SEO free plugin that also helps you optimize your content for target keywords.

4. Elementor: No.1 Page Builder Plugin for WordPress Sites

Your website design plays a key role. Your design is the first thing people will see when they arrive on your site. Did you know that 38% of website visitors stop browsing a website if it is unattractive? As a blogger, it’s your job to build a website that’s fast and attractive.  You can hire someone to custom design your website including landing pages but it’s a smart idea to get a page builder plugin like Elementor as it makes it easy to customize your pages however you want. Elementor Pro only costs $59 and you can get access to amazing features like;

 50+ Pro Widgets  300+ Pro Templates  10+ Full Website Template Kits  Theme Builder  Form Builder  WooCommerce Builder  Popup Builder and more

Click Here to Grab Elementor Pro You can also check out our review of Elementor where you’ll find all the details including its features, pricing, and more. What if you don’t have money to spend on Elementor? Elementor offers a free version which can be downloaded from here. Elementor’s free version offers you the following things.

Drag and Drop Editor Responsive Editing 40+ Basic Widgets 30+ Basic Templates 

5. ConvertKit: An Email Marketing Platform Made for Bloggers

The money is in the email list.  Whether you know it or not, ROI for email marketing is HUGE (as high as 4400%). That’s $44 for every dollar spent on an email marketing campaign. So if you want to make money blogging in 2023, build an email list from day 1. Here’s where you need an email marketing platform like ConvertKit. It’s the same email software we use at BloggersPassion and it’s a great choice for bloggers and marketers. Try ConvertKit Free for 14 Days You can read our in-depth ConvertKit review to find more details along with its features. What if you don’t have money to spend on ConvertKit? ConvertKit also has a free plan where you can manage up to 1000 email subscribers for free.  If you’re looking for other free email marketing platforms, you can also try Mailchimp as it offers a free plan that lets you manage up to 2000 subscribers. 

6. GeneratePress: A Widely Used Lightweight WordPress Theme

GeneratePress is a lightweight WordPress theme that is used by a ton of bloggers worldwide.  Since it’s a lightweight plugin that’s primarily built with a focus on speed and performance, you will not face any loading time issues.  If you’re planning to make money from blogging, you should seriously consider investing money in getting a premium WordPress theme like GeneratePress.  The best part is its premium version costs you just $59 and you can use it on up to 500 websites. Grab GeneratePress Today What if you don’t have money to spend on GeneratePress? If you don’t have money to spend on the premium version, you can grab their free version from here. Although you’ll miss out on the typography, backgrounds, spacing, secondary navigation etc but the free version is an excellent choice for starters. Here’s a list of some of the frequently asked questions on how to make money blogging for beginners in 2023.

Final Thoughts on How to Make Money Blogging for Beginners

Making money from blogging is doable if you’re consistent. Create quality content, choose your keywords smartly, drive more search traffic and use proper monetization strategies like affiliate marketing or selling your own stuff – and you’ll be on your way to making $1000/mo from blogging. – Offer services from your blog such as freelance writing, design, etc– Use display ads such as AdSense– Sell affiliate products– Publish product reviews or sponsored posts Create great content, pick a profitable niche, and choose the right monetization strategy – these 3 things will help you build a money-making blog in 2023. Did you know like our detailed guide on how to make money blogging for beginners? Do you have any questions? Let us know in the comments.