The TDB is the first organization of its kind within the government framework with the sole objective of commercializing the fruit of indigenous research. The Board plays a proactive role by encouraging enterprises to take up technology-oriented products. The Technology Development Board invests in equity capital or gives soft loans to industrial concerns and other agencies, as applicable, attempting development and commercial application of indigenous technology, or adapting imported technology to wider domestic application.

Funding Criteria

The Technology Development Board invests in equity capital or gives loans to industrial concerns and other agencies, attempting development and commercial application of indigenous technology or adapting imported technology to wider domestic applications. 2.1 Commercial enterprises, (excluding sole entrepreneur sole proprietorship concerns) cooperatives, and other agencies are eligible to seek money from the Board for the development and application of technology-based product or service. 2.2 If the project is for the commercialization of technology, developed by a domestic R&D institution, the enterprise should apply, along with an agreement signed by the R&D institution willing to transfer the technology. The R&D institution shall be any one of the following: a. National laboratory b. State laboratory c. Academic institution d. Co-operative Research Association e. Registered R&D Foundation/Trust/Society f. In-house R&D unit in industry-recognized by the Government (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research – DSIR) g. Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation recognized by Government (DSIR) h. Commercial R&D company recognized by DSIR 2.3 If an enterprise has developed the technology with the assistance of an R&D institution (listed in 2.2 above),the application to the Board by such enterprise or its associate will also be considered (a contract or joint or sponsored research). 2.4 Applications from enterprises, with or without any, other partners (listed in 2 2 above), for commercialization of indigenous technologies may be considered if the project is for the commercialization of technology developed through the financial support provided under Home Grown Technology (HGT) /Mission projects / Technology Vision 2020 implementation projects of Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) or under the Programme Aimed at Technological Self Reliance (PATSER) of DSIR or under the Technopreneur Promotion Programme (TePP) jointly operated by DSIR and DST. 2.5 Start-up companies and/or technocrat-entrepreneurs, with or without any other partners (listed in 2.2 above), in agricultural product processing, information technology, or designing and developing special engineering machinery are encouraged to apply for projects in these areas. 2.6 Where legal title to domestically generated intellectual property is held (or filed for) by an individual generator (e.g. inventor) of such property or by an industrial concern, such individual or industrial concern shall also be eligible to apply 2.7 If the activity adapting and commercializing imported technology, financial assistance from the Board may be provided for :-

  1. effecting crucial modifications for wider domestic applications through an ‘R&D institution’ (listed in 2.2 above) or through an individual (2.6 above) and/or.
  2. further development of commercializing technology imported when that technology is at ‘proof-of-concept’ or design stage.

What types of projects can be funded?

The type of projects include:

  1. Development and commercialization of a new product/process/application through indigenous technology.
  2. Significant improvements in the existing product/ process/ application.
  3. Substantial quality up-gradation, reduced material consumption, reduced energy consumption, cost reduction, improved competitiveness, improved ergonomics.
  4. Development and deployment of technology or design to satisfy existing occupational health and/or safety standards, or improve upon them.

The activities/expenditures which can be funded include the following

For more detailed information

Get financial assistance from the Technology Development Board - 56