Examples of Apps

Technology is constantly changing, and mobile applications are no different. Though they are always finding new and interesting ways to use technology, certain apps remain popular throughout these changes. These include: Though you might not want to develop an app that directly competes with these already highly popular apps, there have been successful competitors to emerge. The most popular apps are those in which consumers can use for entertainment, or for ease inconvenience when a need arrives. Airbnb provides consumers with travel lodging arrangements, and Uber provides people with rides. The best thing to keep in mind when developing an app is to design something consumers will want to use.

Considering Developing an App?

Developing your own application for mobile devices is an exciting way to see your imagination come to fruition. Not only do you have the creative process at your fingertips,  you also have the opportunity to bring inside income. Some apps can make hundreds to thousands of dollars each month. However, in order to get to that kind of potential, you have to be very careful about its development. You can develop the app yourself if you feel you’ve some experience, or you can choose to hire someone for mobile app development services. As you design your app, whether in your mind or with a professional, there are some things you will want to think about. Artificial Intelligence, or AI, and machine learning are two good examples of what you may want to consider placing in your application. This is, of course, relative to the type of app you have in mind developing. There are actually many different types of technology to consider when designing your app.

Technology to Consider

 Blockchain technology. The highest level of security and automation, blockchain technology can be employed for use with contracts and cryptocurrency. Augmented reality. Augmented reality is an option if you want to bring the app to life. It allows people to project an object right in front of them. Whether it is for car or clothing sales, or an educational learning opportunity, augmented reality may make your app more popular with your target audience. Artificial intelligence. Create an app with some characteristics of human intelligence. AI allows the system to use reasoning and problem-solving. These tasks can be carried out without the developer programming them. An example of AI in a mobile app might be booking at hotels that correspond with your travel calendar. Internet of things. IoT, or the Internet of Things, allows data to be sent to the Internet. An example would be a smart app that allowed a homeowner to control appliances from their mobile device. Cloud computing. Cloud storage is a popular way to store a slew of valuable things. It’s possible to store and manage data. Digital photos and files are just two examples of things consumers would want to store. FinTech. FinTech, or financial technology, is used in the exchange of currency. It’s meant to challenge the existing financial systems in place. An example of a FinTech app might be a crowdfunding platform.

Mobile App Development Process

1. Plan

The planning phase seems like one of the least important steps, however, it’s one of the most important. The entire scope of the project is planned during this phase. This step will keep you on task, provide benchmark progress points, and contain key design features necessary for the success of the app. This is the stage where you choose the technology you wish to incorporate into your app. Are you going to use augmented reality? Maybe your app would benefit from cloud computing. Thinking about these features during the first initial stages, helps the entire development process flow smoother. After developing an idea of the requirements and possibly a basic function of the app, it’s time to find a team if you won’t be working alone. Once the team is in place, you will need to create a basic design. This basic design should include any components necessary for the basic functioning of the app. This design should also include any special technology you plan on incorporating into your app. Recommended: How to Run iOS Apps On Android Device With Simple Way

2. Develop

The development phase involves dividing up tasks among team members. Each member should code the task assigned. Regular reporting should also be conducted during this phase of mobile app development. Coding for basic functions should be completed. Once the parts are complete, running a test to see where improvements are needed is a standard move across the industry. This is required in order to find bugs, errors, or patches where improvement is needed. Once the app seems to be performing optimally, it’s time to release it to the public. If you had rather test it within a close circle of friends who could provide feedback, that might be a good option as well. Especially if the app is complex, working out any bugs before you release it to the public will help the app’s reputation with the general population.

3. Support

After your mobile application has been released to the public, it’s a good idea to continue monitoring it. Listen to feedback when given, and if bugs appear, fix them. This is the best way to prevent your app from falling prey to low ratings. After you update the app or make adjustments such as fix bugs within the system, notify the public so they know it’s safe to download the app. Without constant adjustments and support from a developer, the application risks failure. This is a guest contributor post.