Online typing work is something in which you need to do typing online either using your computer or a laptop for a company or any other firm. Its earning rate might vary as per the work as some pay for the contract, some may pay hourly, and some companies might pay as per word, etc.

Best Online Typing Jobs for Students without Investment

The best thing about this work is that you can do it sitting at home, or anywhere you feel comfortable. Also, you can do the job at any time as per your convenience. There are a lot of students who do this work after completing their college in the evening or at night and earn a decent amount of money.

What are Online Typing Jobs?

Although, the term online typing jobs is self-explanatory but let us understand it in detail. It is a sort of clerical work which comprises of books, documents, ebooks and content. Usually, in this work, you get the data, and you need to put that data in the documents fields or pages. If you have a good typing speed, then you have a chance to earn a fair amount of money as you can get a lot of projects online based on typing. This work is very similar to the work that was previously done using a mechanical typewriter. The only difference is that now you have desktops with you. If you choose a trusted website, then you get the payment on time in your bank accounts directly. There are numerous companies which offer these kinds of jobs, but you need to be vigilant while choosing the projects. The company should be authentic so that you do get paid for the work you do as there are a lot of fraudulent companies as well.

How much do you get paid for Online Typing Jobs?

The truth is that there is no set limit to earn money online by typing pages and documents as the more work you do, the more you can earn. If you have a good typing speed, then one can make a good amount of income. Also, it depends on the project that you choose. For example, regular typing projects pay less as compared to verbal typing projects. But, on average, it has been seen that people can earn around Rs.30,000 a month easily if they give proper time and choose the right projects. Hence, earning Rs. 500-1000 a month is very easily possible through the online typing jobs from home.


This is one of the most frequently asked questions because people who are curious to earn extra income first want to know the requirements. Copious jobs need some minimum qualification or experience, but the nice part about these jobs is that you do not need any of them. Some of the basic requirements are:

Good typing speed A laptop or PC MS Word/MS Excel Internet connection Gmail account for communication Daily 2-3 hours of spare time Bank account for getting the payment Payment Processor accounts like PayPal (optional)

These are some of the primary things required for starting an online typing job.

Advantages of Online Typing Jobs

Here are some of the benefits that students can avail of they opt for these jobs. It is essential to know about the advantages as it would make your decision of opting for them even stronger: 1. No Investment: The first and foremost benefit is that there is no investment required as you can start doing the work without needing any qualification or any setup. Just need one PC, and you are good to go. 2. No Registration fee: Usually, the genuine websites do not charge anything for registration, it is absolutely free. You need to fill the form, and they assign you the work as per your requirements, and that is it. The companies that charge you fee are usually fake or fraudulent. 3. Work from home: The nice part of this job is that you can do this work sitting at home or in any part of the world as per your convenience. You do not need to spend anything in travelling or setting up an office. 4. Good Earning Potential: As mentioned above, people have earned an average income of Rs.30,000 a month doing this job. But, there are a lot of people who make even more than this. Thus, doing this job can get you a good side income sitting at home. 5. No special skills required: Another significant advantage to students is that they do not need to have any work experience or certification for doing this job. All they require is just a good typing speed and should know how to work on MS Word and Excel. 6. Type more and earn more: There is no such limit on how much you can earn this typing job. The reason behind it is that you can earn as much as you type; thus, the more you type, the more you would be able to gain from it. 7. Weekly & Daily Payments: People love this job because a lot of companies pay daily as the work is completed. If not daily, then they usually make the payments weekly.

Disadvantages of Online Typing Jobs

When you consider doing any job, you need to know its cons as well before commencing it. Thus, here are some of the disadvantages of online typing jobs: 1. Fast typing speed required: If your typing speed is slow, then it is tough for you to survive in this field as they need the speed of minimum 35 words per minute. There would be a disadvantage to you as well that your earning would be very less if your speed is less. 2. Good grammar and English knowledge: There would be various projects ad work where good English and grammar is required. Therefore, if you are not great in it, then it would be challenging for you to grow or earn in this profile. 3. Time-consuming work: Another thing to keep in mind is that you would have to spare at least 2-3 hours in a day to earn a decent amount of money in a month. 4. Time-Limited Projects: There might be a few projects which might have a time frame attached to it. In such a case, you would have to sacrifice your primary work and ensure that you submit the work on time.

Best online typing jobs without investment for Students

By now, you are well versed about the pros and cons of online typing jobs. Here you will get to know about the best online typing jobs you can opt for without making any investment:

1. Freelance Typing Jobs

There are an array of freelance typing jobs available online in which you need not pay any registration fee. But, it would help if you did proper research about them and their authenticity before working for them. Some of the most genuine and free freelance typing jobs websites are: a. FreeLancer It is a well-known website for getting Data entry projects online in bulk. They offer various other kinds of job as well, but you can search the typing jobs either in the search bar or on the menu. They have a set procedure that you need to follow before start working for them. There would be a form where you need to complete your profile by adding your data entry skills, online typing skills and other related works. Now, search for typing jobs, and you would find various jobs. Once you find an appropriate job, then read its terms and conditions carefully and then click on Bid now button. After that quote the amount on which you are willing to work, time to complete the project and other details required by the employer. A lot of people bid for the same job, thus, ensure that you do not quote a huge amount as then your chances of getting the job would lessen. If you get selected, you will get notified through an email. Make sure you do an excellent job so that you make a good reputation and get more work. The good part about the Freelancer is that mostly all of their data entry jobs are offline, and usually you get 1 week – 1month to complete a project. They pay a pretty decent amount; if your speed is 35 words per minute, then you can earn around Rs. 150 in an hour. b. Upwork The process of Upwork is quite the same as Freelancer the significant difference is that their user interface is different. As per the reviews, it is one of the best online websites for getting online typing jobs and other such micro jobs like form filling, data entry projects, etc. Getting the job on Upwork is similar to Freelancer as you would have to bid and if you get selected, you get an email. c. Fiverr It is also a very renowned Freelancer’s website. They work slightly different from Upwork and Freelancer as they do not give you a job; instead, you would have to list your typing service that is called a gig on Fiverr. On your gig page, you can state the various types of services you can do, any experience or about your skills. People will view your profile and contact you through Fiverr. The more visible you are, the more projects you can get. It is substantial to register on more than one website as it increases the chance of getting more jobs. Also Read: 20 Best Freelance Websites to Work From Home

2. Content Writing Jobs

The second type of jobs are content writing jobs, but it is comparatively distinct from the typing jobs. As in content writing jobs, you would not only have to use your fingers but your brain too. In these jobs, you are given with a topic and a few points that are to be included in it, rest you have to complete the content by writing it your own way after doing proper research. The reason why there is a lot of demand for content writers today is because of the growing digitalization. Almost all business has their online website, and for that, they need content to website content and blogs to post, thus, for that they require content writers. There are just a few requisites for becoming a content writer, such as-.

Fast typing speed Good English and grammar knowledge Gmail account Writing skills

This is all that you need; hence, if you think you are good at writing then as a beginner, you can easily earn 20-30p per word. There are various websites where you can search for the content writing jobs such as LinkedIn, Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer and many more.

3. Micro Jobs Website

If you are looking for a good online typing job, then this is another fantastic online portal you should look for. Online micro jobs are the jobs that are usually available for a small project and for a short span of time. There are a lot of companies who outsource some of their work and give to these micro-jobs websites. Because of this, various people get employment and the opportunity to work from home and earn good money. You can get an array of jobs like writing jobs, online surveys, typing jobs, data entry and many more. These jobs also do not require any unique skills, and they pay around $0.05-$1 for every task you complete. As the amount is less, the job would also be straightforward, and you would have the convenience you work as per your availability.

4. Earn Money by Blogging

If you have good typing speed and love doing it, then the best thing you can do is to start your own blog. It is one of the most efficient methods of earning money from home, and the good part is that you can make a fair amount of money from it for many years. If people love what you are writing and you entertain them, then you can earn a perfect amount of money. But, you would have to ensure that you upload new blogs regularly so that people get something new to read. This method might take time, as your blog would require traffic to begin generating profit. Also Read: How to Make Money Blogging in 2020 (10 Legit Ways)

Who can apply for these jobs?

The real answer is that these jobs are for people who are either looking for a side income or cannot devote a fixed time to work. These are for people like:

College students Housewives People with medical conditions People who do not prefer a 9 to 5 job

Where to Find Authentic Online Typing Jobs?

The first thing that you would see is the registration fee; if you see any website asking for a registration fee, then there are chances that the company is not genuine. There are three ways of finding online typing jobs without any investment: 1. Find Typing Jobs on Job Portals: You must have heard about a lot of job portals like Naukri, Glassdoor, Monster, TimesJob, etc. These websites have many job opportunities, and here you can find various options related to your job search in your city. Just go and type online typing jobs, you would get a lot of options, chosen as per your requirement and call the recruiter. This method might not be very effective but is 100% authentic. 3. Finding a company directly: If you get the work through the companies directly, then it would be best. If you find a company directly via the internet, then you would get paid more plus it is authentic as well. Just go to Google, type the keywords and then check the search results and do the research to find a genuine company. When you get the company search about it, read their reviews and feedback. After that, call them and register yourself and talk about the other terms and conditions.

What should you not fall for?

There are a lot of authentic online typing jobs, but some of them are scam jobs as well. These scam websites either take the important information from your computers such as credit/debit card information, etc. or they can also get the work done from you and then do not pay for it. Here are a few scams which these websites do and you should not fall for them:

Registration fee: If you approach any website and they ask you for a registration fee or any investment, then be cautious and do not apply for any job there. The reason behind it is that the company wants to get their work done then why pay any fee for that.

Reviews: If you are joining a company which you are not aware of or is new, then you should always read or know about their history. You can do this by either checking their reviews online or by asking them of their registration papers. Both of these things will give you a fair idea about the company’s reputation.

Fake Testimonials: There are a lot of websites which have a separate page for testimonials to attract new clients. There have been various cases when these testimonials were fake. Hence, always check the source of testimonial before trusting it.

Location: Try to join the companies which are situated near your home location as the companies which are located far away might be a scam. Also, if possible try to verify their location before joining.

Find the administrator: Check if on their website they have mentioned the name of the administrator or the director. If the name of the real person is not mentioned, that means it is a scam.

Recommended: 20 Successful Home Based Business Ideas in India By now you must have become well versed about all the hacks of online typing jobs such as its advantages, disadvantages, types of job, websites and the scam that people do. Thus, it would be easier for you to choose the best option for you now. But, remember as internet usage is growing, so are online jobs. Therefore, you can also succeed if you enhance your skills and strive hard towards your goal.

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